

When did you get up this morning?
Around 11.
I sleep late on the weekends.
How about you?

When was your last meal?
Two hours ago.
I had a bento lunch box.
My wife made it.

When do you usually go to bed?
Around midnight.
I like watching news programs.
How about you?

When do you usually eat dinner?
Around 9.
I’m an evening person. 夜型人間なんですよ。
How about you?

When was the happiest time of your life?
When I met my wife.
Two years ago, I met her.
The moment I met her, I decided to marry her.

When is the best time to call you?
It depends. 一概には言えませんが。
The best time on weekends is around 10.
But I’m never sure of my schedule on weekdays.


When is your birthday?
December 17th.
It’s just before Christmas.
So I celebrated with Christmas.

When do you use English?
Sometimes at work.
Sometimes I e-mail in English.
Otherwise, I only use it if I travel abroad.

May I ask when your first kiss was?
When I was 17.
We were high school students.
That was a long time ago.

At that time, my girlfriend was one year older than me.

When did you buy this book?
Last month.
I’ve been practicing everyday.
I hope I can finish it.