

Who cleans your house?
My wife.
She is very clean.
So she often clean up my room.

Who is your favorite movie star?
Daniel Craig
I love his movie, 007 Skyfall.
Have you ever watched his movie?

Who is your favorite pro sports team?
These days nobody.
I used to support the Seattle Mariners.
I like Ken Griffey, Jr. He was power hitter.

Who was your first girlfriend?
A girl in high school.
She was one year older than me.

Who do you talk to on your cell phone?
My wife and family.
I send a lot of text messages too.
How about you?

Who do you speak English with?
My English teacher.
Sometimes I speak to my co-worker.
He is a graduate of McGill University.

Who do you call when you’re sad?
My wife.
But I hardly get sad.
If anything, I'm positive.

Who did you vote for in the last election?
Mr. Shinjiro KOIZUMI.
Mr.KOIZUMI is expected to become prime minister in the future.
He looks good. So he is received well by the media.

Who do you admire?
My dad.
He’s had some hard time.
But he is always happy and positive.