DMM ciara





















Japan is known to have a parliamentary cabinet system and the Diet selects the prime minister.


In postwar Japan, the conservative political party, the LDP, was the ruling party for a major period of time.


Therefore, the LDP governor becomes the prime minister.


Prime Minister Abe was very good at foreign affairs. In particular, the strong diplomatic ties between United States and Japan at the present is his greatest achievement


There are three candidates for the next prime minister, but it will be safe to say that others are yet to equal Prime Minister Abe's excellent diplomatic skills.


Prime Minister Abe has been working for about seven and a half years as the head state man of Japan.


On August 24th of this year, his tenure was the longest among the prime ministers that had served in Japan.


He may have announced his resignation this month probably because he already set a new record.


Usually two years is the most general period of term for a Prime Minister position.


In Japan, the conservative political party called the LDP is a strong contender, and it is a one-party dictatorship system.